

The candle’s out, the lights are off, and the door is closed.
Your smile is no longer welcome in my black and gray world.

With no sun and no clouds.
With no rivers, trees and grass to lie on.

The glitter in my eyes is gone.
The beat of my heart is no more than a sound.

My face is falling off and my soul is about to perish.

And I ask myself,
how did I get this far?

Why didn’t I stop?

I miss the colors, and I even miss the rain.
I miss my spirit, that seems to have ran away



Quisiera tan solo poder expresar,
con palabras y versos confesar,
agarrar tu mano y por horas hablar,
perderme en tus notas y tu cantar.

Quisiera escucharte susurrar,
aprender de memoria tu suspirar,
estar a tu lado al despertar,
descubrir contigo lo que es amar.

Quisiera tus oidos puedan escuchar
mi corazón, fuerte por vos palpitar
cuando en nada más soy capaz de pensar
me muero a tus ojos, te necesito abrazar

Quisiera algún día puedas perdonar,
jamás creas te quise lastimar,
honestamente, me puedo equivocar,
pero eso no me impide volver a intentar.


Blacked Out

It seems every night I get closer and closer to my drawing.

I wonder wich day will it happen.


More Thoughts On The Matter

Its easy to hurt me now, Im fragile. Im open.
I can hear them laughing while a bunch of tears stream down my face.
I cant help wondering if they do it on purpose.
Are they trying to hurt me? Is it revenge?
Maybe it was just by chance, and they have no idea how much my world has changed.
Maybe they think I was just playing them, and there for have no feelings on the subject.
I hate to hate, and I love to love. But what to do when love is murdered?
Should I hate the killer?


Hate This Feeling

I always try to leave a message of hope. I try to make people happy and make them forget about the problems they think are worth worrying about.
But what happens when it's me with the problem? How can I deliver the message? That would make me a hypocrite, and I'm not.

Maybe I'm just confused. Maybe I lost track of my thoughts. Maybe I'm starting to wonder... was I ever right?

I'd like to think that I was, because I spoke from my heart just after living the worse. I thought I understood. I thought I could manage.

I thought I could cope.

Now I'm lost, and I gave up on everything I relied on.

I hate that I'm writting this... but there's no one to talk, and I have to unload.

Song to The Siren

On the floating, shapeless oceans
I did all my best to smile
til your singing eyes and fingers
drew me loving into your eyes.

And you sang "Sail to me, sail to me;
Let me enfold you."

Here I am, here I am waiting to hold you.
Did I dream you dreamed about me?
Were you here when I was full sail?

Now my foolish boat is leaning, broken love lost on your rocks.
For you sang, "Touch me not, touch me not, come back tomorrow."
Oh my heart, oh my heart shies from the sorrow.
I'm as puzzled as a newborn child.
I'm as riddled as the tide.
Should I stand amid the breakers?
Or shall I lie with death my bride?

Hear me sing: "Swim to me, swim to me, let me enfold you."
"Here I am. Here I am, waiting to hold you."


And Where's MY Hero?

The Bad Day Says:

One by one the peaces of the puzzle grow further and further apart.
They don't want me to know the truth. They wont show me the path.
It's like they're punishing me, and I don't know why.

I'm not perfect, far from it. I'm a flawed being, I'm a damaged tool.
I try to keep going, I try to do good. But the flowers keep dying in my hands.

Can't take it any more, I'm tired of fighting. Everything I love ends up hating me.
Or the idea of me.

Everyone I try to help runs off.
Nobody believes in what I'm trying to do.

What am I trying to do?

Isn't it time I gave up?

All I do I make it worse. And it gets harder and harder for me to stand up again.
I'm losing my hope. And I was relying on it to save me.

My plan didn't work, and I feel like that boy in Pay it Forward.

Never mind, I'll get threw it.
But don't expect me to smile for a while.


Sonrie, Ojos Azules

Pequeña niña
con ojos de mar
renuncia a la riña
quiero ayudarte a amar

Te pido me creas
pues hablo la verdad
las cosas que son feas
no completan la realidad

Hay mucho más en esta vida
que entiendo te fue dura
pero rendirse, jamás
canaliza tu locura

Quisiera transmitirte
lo que de ésta vida aprendí
creí que solo con sonreírte
las leyes del amor te compartí

El odio solo consume
(como también tus debilidades)
a aquél que lo presume
extirpando sus bondades

Me encantaría protegerte
de tu propias manos,
no intentes esconderte
sé que errar es cosa de humanos