
Between One and The Other


_ Don't
_ Don't what?
_ Don't say it
_ Why?
_ Because it's not your place...
_ But...
_ But nothing. Shut up.
_ Silence? Just that?
_ Yes, silence.
_ But...
_ But nothing. Don't
_ Okay...


She deserves happiness and laughs.-

Keep away anyone who pretends to kill the joy,
by conserving the old and bored idea of owned people.

Damn god and holly shit... as unexistent as the true behind those voices who claims for magic, love, peace and happiness, and then destroy their speeches, by practice.
Will the true love ever infect the egoism, bringing peace to human race?
Will we ever enjoy our happiness far from the envy and any intent to interrupt it?

They can hit us, but never break us as the did before. There's no hope, and no reason for being surprised watching storms.


Choose silence to war. Stay away from he who judges, killing the joy. He who is master of the truth, both his and other's, because as the superior being he may think himself as, holds the key to the next man's thoughts.

Such a person can listen or live some tough things, can be a survivor doing his best to stay afloat. But though his intentions are pure, and his essence is good, may be mistaken and lost in someone else's mind.

To no words responde with anger. To no attack responde with a shield of a misleading kind of attitude.

I should've kept my mouth shut, or my fingers still. I should've been the bigger person. But an unfair insult has always to be replied.

There's only truth in my words, cause it's not my head but my heart who speaks. If my actions were unsuited for some, if my heart was not to be leashed and my soul was to set free... It's because things change, and things evolve.

It's easyer to hate and project your own truth, than to forgive and open your eyes to the reality of the entire chaine of events and the other sight.

No one will ever know what my truth is, but me. No one can dismisse my soul and be sure of what he tries to do.

Understand why I tried to choose silence.









Here's to...

fresh starts.
